AltReserve Review – Is a Recommended Crypto Broker?

AltReserve Broker Rating
  • 96%
    Overall Score - 96%


AltReserve is a recommended broker for cryptocurrency trading, the broker offers all of its clients an intuitive trading platform with good customer service. You can sign up in the link below or continue reading the full review to learn more about Alt Reserve.

AltReserve Review

AltReserve logoModern-day traders value their cyber safety as much as they want a smooth trading experience. If you have used any trading platform before, you know that most of them either don’t use strong cybersecurity measures or aren’t transparent about them.

That is why I decided to test the security features of some highly advanced and intuitive brokers that are available in the market. In this AltReserve review, I will talk about the security features of one of the platforms that I found to be the safest out of all.

I will go through various cybersecurity measures that the trading platform employs for the safety of its users and their data. So, without any delay, let’s go through this detailed review and see how safe this specific platform is for modern online traders.

AltReseve website

Verification Of Traders Identities

The first security feature that I will talk about is the strict policy this online uses to ensure that no cybercriminals and bad actors join it. The development team of the broker platform has designed a Know Your Customer policy to know about its users.

On behalf of this policy, this broker verifies the identity of each user who signs up as a trader to make sure they are not criminals or hackers. It does this by obtaining their credentials like their ID card details, bank account details, digital IDs, utility bills, phone numbers, and other identifiable information.

This way, it is able to verify traders’ identities and ensure that no person signs up with a fake identity or stolen information. This authentication creates a safe environment for traders as they know there are no bad actors among them.

 Encryption Of Users Personal Information

Cybersecurity is incomplete without the encryption of users’ confidential information. That is why the Alt Reserve trading platform employs the use of various encryption protocols such as SSL security protocol and 256-bit protocol. Using these strong protocols, this platform can encrypt all users’ personal and financial information. All the data gets encrypted into elongated combinations of alphanumeric codes, making it impossible for any digital snooper to view it.

This encryption prevents users’ confidential information from getting into the hands of bad actors, minimizing the risk of data and identity theft or exploitation. You can even get the SSL encryption certificate once you visit the Alt Reserve broker platform yourself.

Employment Of 2-Factor Authentication

This is yet another effective cybersecurity feature of the AltReserve trading platform, which I am quite impressed with. Almost every other broker platform that I have tested previously does not have a 2FA protocol in use. 2-factor authentication is used by digital platforms to protect users’ accounts from unauthorized access. With the use of this authentication protocol, this trading platform is able to verify users when they are accessing their trading accounts.

It requires them to complete two verification steps, one of which usually includes entering the account password. However, in the second step, traders have to provide any identifiable proof, such as their contact number, email ID, ID card number, or any other identifiable proof. This way, it is ensured that the user who is logging in is the real trader and not any hacker.

AltReserve security

Effective Anti-Money Laundering Measures

Last but not least, to ensure that there are no nefarious activities going on, the AltReserve broker platform employs another effective security measure. It uses a strong Anti-Money Laundering policy, which is designed specifically to detect and prevent any nefarious activity. This policy works similarly to the Know Your Customer policy as it verifies traders’ activities within the platform.

Whether the user is making a trade or a transaction, everything is constantly monitored using the AML policy. This way, the platform is easily able to flag anything that seems suspicious, reducing the risk of money laundering or any other illegal activity.

Is AltReserve Scam Or Legit?

In this part of the AltReserve review, I will discuss some other aspects, like trading accounts and assets. This broker website has created diverse accounts for different levels of traders. It also offers multiple asset classes so users can trade their desired one to the portfolio. They can do crypto trading, forex trading, stock trading, commodities trading, indices trading, and many more. Considering that it has a free-of-cost demo account for testing, this platform looks legitimate to me.

Bottom Line

To wrap up my AltReserve review, I’d quickly recap all the cybersecurity policies and protocols that this online platform has in use. This trading website has designed a strict Know Your Customer policy to verify each user’s identity.

It uses various encryption protocols like SSL and 256-bit to safeguard users’ personal and financial information from getting stolen or exploited by digital snoopers. It also employs the use of 2-factor authentication, ensuring traders’ accounts are safe from any unauthorized access. Plus, its effective anti-money laundering measures ensure that no illegal activity happens on the platform.